maandag 27 december 2021


TOP 10

zeer korte maar tevens zeer beroemde liedjes

1. "mercedes benz", janis joplin, 1:45.

2. "sgt pepper's lonely hearts club band", 1:56.

3. "come on every body", edyy cochran, 1:58.

4. "white riot", the clash, 1:58.

5. "i will", radiohead, 1:59

6. "sister", prince, 1:33

7. "breaking glass", david bowie, 1:51

8. "17", smashing pumpkin, 0:17 - (toch uitgebracht als een single!)

9. "latest flame", elvis presley, 2:04

10. "till the morning comes", neil young, 1:20

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